We offer two classes:

- Our AM/morning class meets Monday-Thursday from 9:30am-12pm. The morning class is geared toward the 3-4 year age range. The morning class is a good fit for students who are new to preschool as well as those who may have previously attended preschool. In order to be considered for enrollment, your child must be at least 3 years old and toilet trained.

- Our PM/afternoon class runs Monday-Thursday from 12:50pm-3:20pm. The afternoon class is for the 4-5/pre-k aged children. The afternoon class is ideal for students who may have previously attended preschool or will be enrolled in kindergarten the following year.


Typical Class Schedule

Children thrive on routine and knowing what to expect in their day-to-day lives. So, a typical day at the preschool includes just that, routine. Our themes, books, music, art and group projects vary from week to week, but we keep the structure of the day the same. The combination of structure and routine mixed with free play gives the preschoolers a feeling of security and confidence.

Greeting Circle Time -

A time to sing, dance, discuss themes, and announce the day's activities


Free play/creative art -

Children are given freedom to explore various learning activities and interest centers, dictate a story, or engage in creative art activities. Centers and activities are changed from week to week, day to day, and sometimes within the hour.

Circle time -

Offers a time for children to develop their self confidence as they share, sing, do fingerplays, play musical instruments, act out plays, dance, exercise, listen to music, stories or poems, and discuss their written stories.


Snack -

While nutritional snacks are served, the children are given a time to socialize and discuss the month, day, weather, etc. The use of good manners is encouraged. Experiences are provided in serving, passing, pouring, and in sampling new foods.

Outdoor Play -

Children are given time to run, jump, climb, walk, balance, play in the sand, and play cooperatively with their classmates.


Large or Small Group Activity -

On inclement days, children stay inside and work together, playing games or following directions to complete an individual or group project.

Dismissal -

Outdoor play usually occurs at the end of the school day with dismissal occurring outside after a brief group gathering for a final check-in and to sing a good-by song.


Communication with Parents

We strive to maintain excellent communication between the preschool and parents. Courtney is available for conferences which can be arranged to meet parents’ schedules. A review of activities and coming attractions is shared with parents weekly with special updates provided as needed.

Classroom Visits

Parents are always welcome to visit, please contact us to arrange your visit ahead of time so we are better able to involve you in the day's activities. Parental engagement contributes to a relaxed atmosphere and enriches the program. Helping provides parents with an unparalleled chance to observe their child in a preschool setting.